Thursday, 29 March 2012

Evaluation Q5.

How did you attract/address your audience?

here is my fifth evaluation question about how I addressed my target audience and the ways in which I used and adapted my product in order to attract my target audience and persuade them to purchase my magazine on a regular basis. I first drafted my response and typed it up in to a word document, and have now turned it in to an interactive presentation, using the online presentation editing program Prezi.

Below is the text based essay format of the fifth evaluation question.

My music magazine attracts its target audience in many different ways, the first being  though the use of the gender mutual colour scheme of shades of reds  blues greys and white. I decided to use colours such as red, black, grey and white as these can reflect the genre of music my magazine promotes as well as being appealing colours to both males and females.
As well as this the exciting colour connotations of red that signify danger and passion may attract readers who think that the magazine will be exciting. Also the connotations of black that signify power and confidence have been used to attract the audience who will feel powerful reading the magazine because they know up to date interesting information about the music industry that they can share with their friends.
I have also made sure that there is a lot of variety within the contents of my magazine. I have therefore included bands and both males and female solo artists from different periods within the magazine to make sure that there is something for every reader to enjoy, as well as this the inclusion of a variety of bands and music artists may introduce readers to a new style of music that they are not familiar with but that they like, this therefore attracts the audience and persuades them to continue purchasing the magazine on a regular basis so that they can discover new talent.          
As the target audience for my magazine are reasonably young, I have ensured that my magazine is in keeping with the zeitgeist of social media. I have done this buy creating a number of different ways for readers to access the contents of the magazine such as on Facebook or Twitter and an ‘App’ that can be downloaded on to different smart phones and the apple iPhone. My magazine also has its own website, where readers can access up to date news features and stories about different music artists and bands without having to wait for the next issue of ‘Music Box’ to come out. There is also the opportunity to become part of a mailing list that will email them about new features and news which therefore contributes to attracting the audience who will feel important and valued as readers when they are emailed by the magazine.

Another feature that i included to try an target and attract my audience was the inclusion of the offer of competitions and free gifts. On my front cover I included a sell line 'button' with the sell line: '+4 FREE POSTERS!' which would attract my target audience who would think that by purchasing the magazone they are getting something for free. when in fact the cost of the posters will be covered and included within the cover price. Secondly on the banner featured at the bottom of my front cover I have also included the sell line: 'WIN READING 2012 TICKETS!' this competition will help to attract my target audience because they will be interested in attending gigs. concerts and festivals such as Reading.

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